Skin treatment.

 Skin lighteners.
Is it good for a naturally dark skinned person to choose to use skin lighteners and how does this affect a person in the long run? Is it dangerous for one’s health or is it  just the same as using make up, wearing a wig ,fake nails, face powders, earrings  and all that? We do all these things in search of beauty. But who defines beauty. Does it mean if you are dark skinned you are ugly and one would argue that okay if you saying skin lighteners are not fine then is it okay for a person with their black coarse hair to put wigs ,weaves on their natural ,why can’t they just leave it like that? Is changing your complexion a whole lot dangerous than all other kinds of make up?
divas fancyface magazineMake up
For me putting make up is just to enhance your own beautiful features that God gave you. I believe you are beautiful no matter what the colour of your skin is. The thing is most skin lightning creams have dangerous side effects which can harm the melanin. Another ugly side when you change your skin colour drastically it ends up looking bad because you end up not doing it properly and you end up scared to touch your face with your hand as the hand will be too dark and looking like it’s not your hand. Well for me the weaves and wigs you can remove but the change of the skin colour you can’t reverse it and it’s more harmful especially when not done in a proper professional help when you have got a skin problem rather  than prescribing creams yourselfs.
Mainly in summertime freckles tend to be deeper. It tends to look like dark spots on your forehead and cheeks which is called hyper pigmentation. When skin cells become unhealthy and damaged it affects the melanin production which in turns causes pigmentation. Usually women with a darker skin are more prone to pigmentation which I n turn causes some women to resort incorrect use of skin lightning methods. Causes of pigmentation can be hormonal ,pregnancy or menopause you want to treat your pigmentation go to a trained doctor so that you can be given proper topical skin lightening which usually contain hydroquinone which is dangerous if its abused or incorrectly used.

How to stop pigmentation
-Avoid too much sun exposure and wear sun hats

-Use sun screens and blocks

Hope this helps you to a much clearer and smooth skin.


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