Toning Isn't Just For the Gym Anymore

An important step in the care of our skin that we routinely leave out is the use of facial toners. At the very least we do some basic form of cleansing and moisturizing andwhen we decide to splurge, we sometimes add a scrub or exfoliator. But what can we add by using facial toners?
Deep Cleansing
Toners take cleansing process one step further. They are absorbed by the skin, purifying and reconditioning it, leaving skin feeling clean without any side effects such as tightness, drying or stinging. It’s common to mistake some of those side effects as a sign that your cleanser is doing your job, but your skin is supposed to feel good so bring an end to the abuse! Designed to penetrate pores deeply, toners clean out all the dirt, oil and grime to help your skin breathe a little better. Toner works great to give you that extra boost when it comes to cleaning and you can depend on it to take care of oil, make-up, sunscreen, sweat and other microscopic bacteria and pollution that end up on your face by the end of the day. Basically, toners clean away anything you don’t want on your pillow at night and that makes for a better night’s sleep for everyone.
Smoother Skin
Let toners take care of the nitty-gritty work while you enjoy the results. They remove dead skin cells lingering on the surface, even out rough patches and reduce the appearance of pores. Smaller pores not only look better, but give your skin a fighting chance against the everyday elements. The reduced size of pores prevents all the dirt and bacteria from entering. Toner can even help restore your skins natural pH balance to normal after using a facial cleanser, keeping skin ultra-moisturized.  Now you’re on your way to achieving desirable smooth, soft skin that you’ve always had – it just needed a little TLC.
Reduces Blemishes
Need another reason to celebrate? Yes, toners also target acne. Certain toners are specifically designed for those that have problems with acne and oily skin. It will wipe away the oil that causes acne and will do its part in reducing the size of existing blemishes as well as keep new ones from forming, leaving you with a nice, even skin tone. Look for an acne toner with glycolic acid for exfoliation and salicylic acid to rid skin of blemishes.
DorMauri offers a Super Firming Botanical Facial Toner. It’s formula of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients guarantee protection for healthy skin as well as tones and firms, shrinking pores so your skin feels and looks younger. Like most DorMauri products, its mineral clay exfoliates and detoxifies. Other properties include rose pedal infusion, cucumber extract and green tea moisturize and sooth dry, irritated skin and assist in the restoration of elasticity that skin loses over the years. Doesn’t just hearing all this make your skin feel cleaner already?
A few guidelines to keep in mind in searching for a great toner is to purchase one that is alcohol-free (skip over astringents which contain alcohol causing the drying effects you’re trying to avoid!), oil free, hypoallergenic, and one that’s non-comedogenic. Toners are the best way to clean and refresh skin without drying it out and compromising the skin’s natural moisturizers. Apply toner after using a facial cleanser with a cotton ball or pad and don’t forget to moisturize, too!

I Never Forget the Wine, I Have it Delivered

I am not a snob, nor would I consider myself posh, but I do like to entertain. My dinner parties are always well attended and one of the main reasons for their success is the wine. I have never been one to only serve a set wine for a given meal. I know I am supposed too, but I would rather my guests have a choice, that way I can be confident that everyone finds one they like. I have received many compliments on my ability to provide a good selection of wines, although I do have a guilty little secret. My friends think I must spend hundreds of pounds and countless hours scouring supermarkets and wine shops, looking for the best quality wines for us all to enjoy. I don’t, I mean I do buy the best quality wines, but always from the comfort of my own home.


I did originally scour the shops, but when I found myself spending most of my free time actually involved in this endeavour, not to mention a great deal of money, I decided that there had to be another way. I took my search to the internet. You would be surprised how many companies there are out there, that will deliver bottles of wine. Most of them, my favourite included, usually have a six bottle minimum. But the beauty of mine is that I can mix the case to suit myself, allowing me the confidence that all of my guests will be satisfied. They hold a multitude of different wines, from every country which produces it. If you have a certain bottle in mind, they will stock it. If you happen to be experimenting and are unsure as to the particular type you want, they even stock a taster and starter case.


I am one of those people who like to live the high life, but still have to be cautious with my money. Not only do I want the best wines, for my functions, but I also want the best price. The types of wine I serve would be very expensive in a supermarket, even more so in a wine shop, but my secret supplier not only gives me a low cost delivery service, at less than £6.00 a case, I know I was surprised, they also provide me with a very reasonable price for the wine itself. My parties will continue and up to now no one else has discovered my secret, I aim to keep it to that way.

Why not try a starter or taster case? It’s the most reasonable way of enjoying wine I’ve found and believe me, I’ve looked!

Unique Gift Ideas

A look at how there is no reason why you wouldn't be able to find a great gift for your loved one.
In the last decade the choice of gift ideas for both men and women has become extensive. Gone are the days of sending socks to him or a scarf to her. There is literally no excuse for not being able to source a wonderful gift idea.
For Him or Her
Days on the track are always a favourite and what could be better than driving a super car. The cars on offer often include Ferraris, Lamborghinis and Aston Martins. Experiences include a day at track at numerous locations throughout the UK. After training attendees will drive the super car of their choice. If that is not exhilarating enough they then sit in the passenger seat while a trained driver takes them on a white knuckle ride. Photographs of their experience are taken to capture the memory of a great day.
Out on the trail
Not all experiences have to be as thrilling. Often just getting away from it all can be just the ticket. In recent years the Segway has been the two wheeled tool of choice. Early versions were strictly for smooth pavements and roads but the more recent ruggedized versions now offer the opportunity to go off the beaten track. After some initial group training it is not long before forest trails and rough terrain can be explored. The Segway is unique in that it uses a gyroscopic motor to calculate where you are. If you lean forward the Segway moves forward. Stand upright and it comes to a halt. Lean to the left or right and it will turn.
Gravity defying
Should you want to lose all sense of orientation then zorbing could be just the thing to excite the senses. Zorbing entails being strapped into a giant, transparent inflatable ball. The experience comes in two varieties. Dry and wet. Dry entails being secured via a climbing harness and then merrily being pushed down a hill. People who have done it often talk of laughing hysterically as gravity takes hold and they thunder down the hill at 30mph.
Pamper Yourself
If pampering is your thing then you are well catered for in the world of unique gifts. Treatments often include sumptuous full body massages, foot massage, stone treatments, steam room and jacuzzi sessions. Some spa experiences can include afternoon tea and overnight stays in luxurious settings in the city or country. Whatever you choose you will be assured of a thrilling experience.

The Acne Countdown: 9 Facts to Know

If you struggle with acne, you are not alone.  Acne is a very common skin condition that affects 50 million Americans. If you are assuming that most of the 50 million are teenagers, you are mistaken. Acne is not limited to only teens, in fact, a whopping 50% of women have adult acne and 25% of adult men struggle with it as well. Although acne is more prevalent among adolescents, it affects all walks of life—regardless of age, sex, ethnicity and social class. The acne treatment industry’s annual revenue of over 1.4 billion dollars is proof that acne is indeed an epidemic. Perhaps you are one of many acne sufferers who believe that breakouts are a result of something you ate or did. Acne has nothing to do with anything you did! It mostly stems from one or more of the following: hormones, heredity and stress. Granted, an unhealthful diet and poor skin care habits can exacerbate the problem, but they are certainly not the direct cause of it.
Interested in learning more about acne?  Visit Mario Badescu Skin Care for more articles, tips, and complete acne treatment regimens.

5 Exercises to Add to Your Routine to Look Your Best

Six months ago, you came to the conclusion that it was time to take better care of yourself. You threw out the cookies and chips, headed to the Farmers Market and drafted a work-out routine to rival that of even the most energetic exercise zealot. You wake up every morning and jog with your pup around the block. You take the stairs at work and you make an effort to park your car farther from the door when you are running errands. Evenings are dedicated to an hour of Yoga or a kick-boxing class. You feel so healthy and energized but suddenly you realize that your routine is no longer working for you. That pooch around your belly is still there no matter how far you park your car away from the door; so what gives? This is what experts call a plateau. Your muscles have become accustomed to the exercises you have been diligently practicing and they are no longer being pushed and stretched to their limit. Work a couple of these moves in your next work-out to break out of your routine and keep your muscles surprised.

Basic Ab Work

1. Crunches are only effective at eliminating that bottom stomach pooch when used in the correct form. This can be difficult to do for beginners but guaranteed you will see results if push yourself. When laying on your back, pull your belly button into your spine as if someone has a string and is pulling your center through your back. Keep your core engaged as you crunch up. Hold for 3 seconds and slowly release back to the ground, keeping your core stabilized.
2. Bridge Pose in Yoga is great for working the lower abs as well as strengthening the back and buttocks. Lay on your back with your arms resting to your sides and your knees bent; feet hip width apart. Keeping your core engaged and tightened-remember the string- lift up with your hips pressing into your heels. Hold for ten seconds and release gently back to your starting position.
3. Wall Holds are tough but fantastic at erasing the flab. Sit with your tailbone against a wall and your legs bent at the knees, resting on the floor in front of you. Put your hands on the floor between your knees and lift your feet off the ground, keeping your core engaged and buttocks on the floor. Start with a one minute hold and work your way up from there.

Cardio Booster
4. Jumping Jacks are a fantastic go-to if you just don't feel like leaving the house or are short on time. 45 jumping jacks followed by one minute of light jogging in place repeated three times is a good start.
5. Yoga when done a certain way can be beneficial as a cardio exercise as well. This kind of Yoga is called Vinyasa or "Flow" Yoga. Sun Salutations are meant to get your blood pumping and increase heart rate while aiding in digestion. Start standing with your back straight and your arms at your side pointing to the ground. Inhale and swan-dive touching your toes with your fingers. Place your hands on the ground and step back into a plank. Push forward with your feet and bring yourself into a push-up until your hips are against the ground and your chest is toward the sky. Push back with your hips into an inverted triangle position-downward facing dog- and remember to breath. Bring your feet back to your hands and slowly stand up to your starting position. Repeat this series of poses as many times as you feel comfortable but remember to breath and take a break if you begin to feel dizzy.

Add any of these exercises every time you feel your routine has gotten stagnant or you just aren't seeing results anymore and you are sure to not only feel your best, but look your best as well.

7 Things You Can Do Everyday to Stay Slim

Some people are blessed with the metabolism of a hummingbird. If you're like me, you happen to not be one of them. They can eat an entire pizza and bag of cookies in one sitting and still confidently throw on a bikini, and you seem to gain 10 pounds just thinking about it...which is why you don't think about it. You don't eat pizza or cookies, your fridge is stocked to the brim with greens and low-fat yogurt. You are, by all definitions, a slim and healthy person. But to get your body in top form, you have had to work your butt off -literally- for it. You still keep your fat jeans hidden in the back of your closet because someday you might need them again. Well throw those jeans away because these daily tips will ensure that you keep that body that you worked so hard for.

Re-think Your Nutrition
1. You need to be in a constant state of hydration. Constant means you should always have a water bottle in your hand. Water keeps the bloat away and aids in digestion. Keeping hydrated will keep you from eating out of boredom or because you mistakenly thought you were hungry when you were really just thirsty.
2. Cut out salt. Salt makes you retain all that water you just drank so instead of flushing through and cleansing your system ,it is sticking around and making you bloat.
3. Ditch the carbonated drinks and do not use straws. Carbonated drinks and straws do the same thing. They trap air bubbles in your stomach causing you to bloat. Looking and feeling bloated is completely counterproductive if you are spending all your free time doing crunches.
4. Pack your fridge with proteins and fiber. Apples, salmon, chicken, eggs and almonds are all great sources of protein and fiber and are well known at satiating your appetite.

Calm Your Mind

5. Stress can cause you to pack on the pounds so make it a daily practice to meditate. Ten minutes is all you need to slow your breathing and lower your stress levels.
Listen to music that you love or take time out of your day to work on a fun hobby or project. When you are happy, you release endorphins and endorphins KEEP you happy, thus leading to a more stable frame of mind and calmer nerves.
Envision your life exactly how you want it to be. Studies have shown that the mind has a very powerful influence on the events in our life. Have a stressful day at work? Imagine yourself home with a glass of wine and a favorite book.

Change Your Habits

6. Staying thin does not have to be a chore or something to endure. If you crave a slice of pumpkin pie, have a slice! It doesn't do your body or your mind any good to deny yourself things that make you happy. Just remember to moderate. You don't have to eat the whole pie in one sitting.
7. Eat more often. Slim people don't diet. Healthy people don't even diet so why should you? Strive for five small meals a day and have healthy snacks between meal times. This way of eating keeps your metabolism working efficiently and constantly. Never skip breakfast either. Breakfast is in fact the most important meal of your day because it gives your metabolism a jump start in the morning when it's been resting all night.

Staying slim once you've worked so hard to get there can seem like an arduous task, but with these tips it doesn't have to be.

Finding a Real Weight Loss Program in a Sea of Fad Diets

Finding a Real Weight Loss Program in a Sea of Fad Diets
If you’re overweight and serious about taking action, it’s important that you choose the right diet for your needs. Choosing the wrong diet can not only hinder your ability to get the weight off, but it can also make it near impossible to keep it off. The fastest fat burning diets are not necessary the best. Studies show that the most effective and long-term weight loss programs are actually the ones that cause you to lose weight more slowly. The long-term results are the most important when it comes to your health and well-being. While it can often be difficult to stay motivated when only losing one or two pounds per week, this is the number one way to get the weight off, keep it off, and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Consider these three diet programs when choosing your method of weight loss.

Weight Watchers
Weight Watchers works on a points system. While you are allowed enough points to stay full throughout the day, this program focuses on what you’re putting into your body, rather than how much. Food items are awarded a certain amount of points based on factors such as protein, carbohydrate, fat, fiber, calories, and the amount of time it will take to burn. Generally, the lowest costing products will be more nutrient rich and fill you up for longer. This system owes its success in part to the accountability aspect. While participating in the Weight Watchers program, dieters are regularly weighed in and attend meetings with other dieters. This aspect of the program offers an incentive to stick to the program and strive for results before the next weigh-in.

The Biggest Loser Diet
The Biggest Loser Diet is a weight loss program series of books that are associated with “The Biggest Loser” TV show. The idea behind this diet is simple; reduce your caloric intake and be physically active. It doesn’t take a weight loss professional to know that you will lose weight if you consume less calories than you burn. The downside to this diet is that average Joes like you and I don’t have the motivation and incentives that the contestants on the show have. Cameras, monetary incentives and an array of experts coaching them through the process might give them a leg up on us. However, if you can keep yourself motivated, the idea behind this weight loss program is about as basic as it gets, and it will work if you put the effort into it.

Raw Foods Diet
The Raw Foods Diet requires a disciplined individual in order to be successful. Dieters are required to cut out foods that have been processed, cooked, irradiated, microwaved, or genetically engineered. This diet works on the knowledge that cooking destroys the vitamin and nutrient content in foods. By committing yourself to eating only fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts, seeds, unpasteurized milk, raw fish, and other qualifying raw foods, you will consume a considerably small amount of calories and almost certainly lose weight. However, you will also have to learn how to prepare your foods and drinks in order to adhere to the diet’s strict guidelines.

No matter how much weight you would like to lose, there is a diet out there for you. While fad diets are often a waste of time and money, some diets seek to simply provide guidelines for what and how much you should eat in order to gain their benefits. No matter which diet you choose, reducing portion sizes, reducing calorie intake, and maintaining an active lifestyle is the number one way to live a healthier, longer life.

What Your BMI Really Means

BMI - Body Mass Index - is a quick and easy way of identifying potential weight problems in adults. To calculate a person's BMI, you take their weight in kilograms and divide it by their height in metres squared.

Although a person's BMI does not provide clear measure of exactly how much body fat is present in an individual, studies show that people with higher levels of body fat will also have higher BMI figures, making it sufficiently reliable in most circumstances.

A 'normal' BMI value is between 18.5 and 24.9. A person with a BMI value below this range would be considered underweight, while anyone with a figure higher than 24.9 would be considered overweight.

An individual with a BMI of more than 30 would be classified as obese and therefore at increased risk of weight-related health problems, while anyone with a value higher than 40 would be considered extremely obese and advised to take immediate action to reduce their weight.

The higher your BMI figure, the more likely you are to develop weight-related health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and certain forms of cancer.

The idea that the ratio of a person's height and weight could be an indicator of health was first developed by Belgian statistician Adolphe Quetelet in 1832. Initially known as the Quetelet Index, the system was adopted by the World Health Organization in 1995 and renamed the Body Mass Index.

Although BMI provides a broad indication of the level of body fat in most individuals, it does have a number of limitations. Most crucially, BMI is not able to account for muscle mass and, as muscle tissue is denser and therefore heavier than fat tissue, certain individuals can receive results indicating they are overweight, despite being in excellent health.

In particular boxers, weight lifters, rugby players, and other athletes with low body fat levels and large amount of muscle will often register readings suggesting they are overweight. One study of gold medal winners at the 2004 Olympics in Athens found at least 15 had such high BMI figures that they would actually rank as obese.

Age and gender also play a role. If a woman and a man have the same BMI, the woman will usually have a higher proportion of body fat. Similarly, an older person with a particular BMI will generally have a higher proportion of body fat that a younger person with the same BMI figure.

BMI also fails to take into account the way fat is distributed around a person's body. Someone with a large amount of excess weight around their waist will considerably be less healthy than someone whose excess weight is spread evenly over their entire body.

However, two such individuals could have identical BMI figures - despite having completely different body shapes and therefore different levels of health risk.

The best way to approach BMI is to see it as just one of a number of measures that you can use to assess the state of your health.

Written by Dan Richard, a sports and gym enthusiast writing about weight loss.

Make Up Trends Over The Years

Today, it seems that with your eye make-up, almost anything goes.

You can go for the natural look like Jennifer Anniston,  enhance your eyes and lashes with just a flick of mascara – the whole effect being that you are just working on your natural beauty rather than creating a whole new look for yourself.

At the other end of the scale we have the Goth make-up look. Think heavy black eyeliner, pale white skin, dramatic lashes and dark, dark lips.

How Flappers Changed Make-Up In The Roaring 1920s

In the 19th Century, make-up was frowned upon and women strived for a natural look. Then in the roaring 1920s the flapper girl ,with her new sense of emancipation and fashionably short shingled hair, started to wear heavy eyeliner to enhance the eyes.

In the 1930s the film star Marlene Dietrich made heavily plucked eyebrows fashionable and the whole aim was to have eyebrows that were just a thin line – overplucked eyebrows sometimes never recover however as some women found to their costs.

Black Eye Liner Was A Must In The 1950s

Bold eyemake up became less popular in the 1940s, with lipstick becoming a favourite cosmetic but with the rise of rock and roll in the 1950’s and the beehive hairdo, black eyeliner again became right on trend, flicked up along the outer corners of the eye to achieve a cat’s eye effect, along with heavy black eyelashes.
In the 1960’s false eyelashes and big, big eyes were the look to have, populised by famous models such as Twiggy. A long heavy fringe accentuated the eyes too, as did shimmery eye shadows.

The 1970s lessened the look of eyeliner and eyelashes but instead coloured eyeshadows, particularly in shades of blue, was a key look. Watch the original episodes of the TV series Charlie’s Angels and you’ll see what was right on trend.

Men In Eye Make Up

The 1980s saw New Romantic music take centre stage and along with this came the popularity of eye make up for men, who started to sport kohl –rimmed eyes – think Duran Duran, Adam and The Ants. Women also weren’t considered properly made up without thick kohl eyeliner and despite the best attempts of beauty editors, many women would rather not go out than be seen without eyeliner and mascara, as it enhances features and gives confidence to many.   Coloured mascaras in blues and purples was also popular – the Princess of Wales was a keen user of blue mascara who used it to enhance her bright blue eyes and give them extra depth.

Come the 1990s and the Millenia, the focus on the eyes seems to settle a bit. However cosmetic procedures on the eyes, for example removing under eye bags and tightening lines, also using Botox to tighten up the facial skin became increasingly popular and more affordable.

Charlotte blogs about fashion and beauty for leading provider of glasses online Direct Sight.

5 Top Beauty Secrets for Women

There are a lot of different beauty secrets out there for women to use. Some of these work while others aren't as effective. The needs of all women are different, but there are 5 top beauty secrets that anyone can use. These beauty secrets can make life easier and can help any woman look her best as well.

1. Use Natural Skincare Products

There are loads of skincare products on the market today. Unfortunately, most of these are made with a variety of different chemicals. These can end up causing adverse reactions on the surface of the skin. Instead of risking your skin, use all natural products. These might be a bit more expensive, but that cost is worth it.

With natural products you won't be getting the harmful chemicals and toxins. Instead, you will be using ingredients that are derived from plants and that are found naturally. These are much better for the skin and will care for it a lot better. By using all-natural products you won't have to waste money going through other options that just don't work.

2. Eat Healthier

Eating healthier contributes to skin that looks great and a body that feels even better. This is due to antioxidants getting rid of toxins in the body and nutrients supporting great health. Getting the right vitamins and nutrients will also reduce wrinkles and help prevent them in the future. By just adding in more fruits and vegetables it's likely you will feel and look better.

3. Wear Sunscreen

Sunscreen is something that should be worn whenever you are out in the sun. Even if you're just going out for some light errands, sunscreen is important. If you don't wear it your skin is at risk for damage that will make you look a lot older in the future. In addition to this, you will also be putting yourself at risk for skin cancer. There are a lot of sunscreens available, including makeup that has SPF inside of it.

4. Wear Lotion

Moisturizing the skin will make a huge difference with how it looks. Not only will it have a healthier glow, it will feel nice to touch. There are tons of lotions out there, so experiment to find which one works best for you. Apply it daily on your entire body, not just on your face. Your legs need the lotion just as much as your hands and face do.

5. Wash Your Face

Washing the makeup off of your face at night before bed is extremely important. If you don't do this, the chemicals from the makeup are going to seep deep into the skin through the night. This will prevent it from doing nightly repairs that get rid of dead skin and brighten your appearance. The makeup will also clog up your pores, which will cause acne. You can choose the best facial cleanser based on your specific skin type.

Tony is an expert with beauty and healthcare advice.He contributes articles to RemoveSkinMoles.Com, where people can find tips and information about the most effective skin mole removal methods.

Simple Tips for Weight Loss Holidays

Losing weight on vacation is TOUGH. Take it from anyone. Only people with freaky metabolisms wouldn't be able to relate to this sort of problem. But the fact remains that weight loss holiday is within everyone's reach. Don't believe me? Here are a few simple tips to tide you over.

Get enough sleep!
Not sleeping enough triggers overeating,. You probably need to rest anyway, so make sure you spend your holidays recharging that way, instead of spending them bloating up your midsection.

And by enough sleep, we also mean- don't oversleep. Oversleeping throws off your body clock and metabolism-leading to weight gain.

Keep Active!
If you're not in bed the whole day, what the heck else are you supposed to do, right? Since it is your vacation, cut yourself some slack – you don't really need to keep as active as you do on regular days. But hey, do something! Volunteer work, trekking, horseback-riding, swimming, competitive Yahtzee – doesn't really matter. Keep yourself from being cooped up and bored (boredom leads to unnecessary grazing) and you're sure to keep yourself fitter than the average vacation-goer.

Don't equate food with pampering yourself.
Go to a spa, get a massage, sample a different beer a week, keep a diary- whatever. We've got to remove food as the most important reason to enjoy the holidays. And this means you have to fight an uphill, but totally winnable battle against temptation.

It's easier than you think! Take the time to mentally link vacation time with trips and activities NOT related to food. Mental conditioning is an important but often overlooked part of EVERY top athlete and performer's  arsenal- and it could... WILL work for you.

Just think how jealous your workmates will be when you come back from your weight loss vacation looking all awesome like that. Yeah. Think about it.

Avoid eating out.
Holidays are often a time for huge promos for restaurants and fast food chains. Don't get suckered in. This doesn't mean don't eat out. Visit a museum, or an art gallery try to do anything else before you eat out. Why? Because you have a much more limited control over food served to you outside, over food you prepare yourself.

Plan ahead.
Five to fifteen minutes spent creating a list of things to do for your holiday will save you a lot of trauma down the road. Setting goals is the first step to achieving them after all. So sit your butt down and start planning, Make your goals realistic, and always push yourself a little further after you meet your objectives.

Don't put your eating schedule on holiday too.
Eating on a regular schedule helps you control your dietary intake much better than...well...than having no plan at all. Always eat at the optimal times you've set for yourself and don't deviate if you can help it.

Health and Fitness Editorial by FitFarms Weight Loss Holiday Programme.

Top 10 Rules from TLC's What Not to Wear

TLC's What Not to Wear has been helping women look their best since 2003, and I have been paying attention to it since season one. Even though every nominee has a different body shape, personality, and overall purpose behind her wardrobe, the rules remain the same for everyone. Stacey and Clinton repeatedly dish out the same suggestions to all of the people they help. They just present it in a different way. Here are nine seasons of What Not to Wear rules condensed to 10 simple points.
1 – Add Something Interesting (Color, Texture, Pattern, Shine)
Every outfit needs at least one interesting element to make people pay attention to it. Color, pattern, texture, and shine are all great tools to jazz up an otherwise boring wardrobe. Pair a printed bag with a solid colored dress, and you have an instant outfit people will want to look at.
2 – Dress the Widest Part of Your Body
You can always tailor something to hug closer to the body, but you usually can't expand it. Thus you need to dress your butt, boobs, or belly so that your clothing fits the right part of you. Don't be scared by the sizes. The fit is more important than the number.
3 – Emphasize the Good, Not Hide the Bad
If you draw attention to your favorite body features, the bad ones will naturally fade into the background. You might want to show off the gorgeous girls you have up top, and that will eliminate the pooch below you're worried about. Try to define your waste, and let the fabric flow out from there. You'd be amazed what a little camouflage can do.
4 – Pick Colors That "Go," Not Match
You can pair a teal show with a black, white, and purple dress if the shades look right together. You need to pull colors that have the same general tone, but they don't need to be the same exact color. A little accent could be all you need to jazz an outfit up.
5 – Dress Your Current Body, Not the One You Want to Have
Quit focusing on the weight you want to lose. It may never happen. For now, you need to work with what you've got. If you get clothes that really fit your body, you may not be so self-conscious about it. Your attire could be a real confidence booster.
6 – Find Versatile Pieces to Mix and Match
Try to get pieces that will work for all areas of your life. You could turn a simple dress from office wear to date night attire just by changing the accessories. It's all a matter of getting the right jackets, pants, and other elements to turn your "clothes" into an actual wardrobe.
7 – Show Your Personality with Accessories
You can make basic pieces look spectacular by using the right accessories. Sometimes your clothing is going to be nothing more than a blank canvas, so you have to use shoes, jewelry, bags, and belts to make that clothing into a signature look for you.
8 – Dress to Fit Your Life
Make sure you dress for your age and general activity levels. Don't wear six inch pumps if you spend most of the day running around with the kids. Don't get a Hello Kitty sweater if you're over the age of 12. Find ways to make your clothing complement your life, and you'll be much better off in the end.
9 – Comfort Does Not Mean Frumpy
You can be comfortable without looking like a slob. Replace your husband's oversized beer shirts with cute summer dresses, and you can still feel free without looking frumpy. People are looking at you all the time, even when you want to fade in the background. You might as well give them something to really look at.
10 – Take Time for You…Just You
You can't be afraid to be a little selfish every once and a while. Use shopping as a way to reward yourself for being such a hard worker, and you'll feel happy enough to continue the work in the future.

Skin treatment.

 Skin lighteners.
Is it good for a naturally dark skinned person to choose to use skin lighteners and how does this affect a person in the long run? Is it dangerous for one’s health or is it  just the same as using make up, wearing a wig ,fake nails, face powders, earrings  and all that? We do all these things in search of beauty. But who defines beauty. Does it mean if you are dark skinned you are ugly and one would argue that okay if you saying skin lighteners are not fine then is it okay for a person with their black coarse hair to put wigs ,weaves on their natural ,why can’t they just leave it like that? Is changing your complexion a whole lot dangerous than all other kinds of make up?
divas fancyface magazineMake up
For me putting make up is just to enhance your own beautiful features that God gave you. I believe you are beautiful no matter what the colour of your skin is. The thing is most skin lightning creams have dangerous side effects which can harm the melanin. Another ugly side when you change your skin colour drastically it ends up looking bad because you end up not doing it properly and you end up scared to touch your face with your hand as the hand will be too dark and looking like it’s not your hand. Well for me the weaves and wigs you can remove but the change of the skin colour you can’t reverse it and it’s more harmful especially when not done in a proper professional help when you have got a skin problem rather  than prescribing creams yourselfs.
Mainly in summertime freckles tend to be deeper. It tends to look like dark spots on your forehead and cheeks which is called hyper pigmentation. When skin cells become unhealthy and damaged it affects the melanin production which in turns causes pigmentation. Usually women with a darker skin are more prone to pigmentation which I n turn causes some women to resort incorrect use of skin lightning methods. Causes of pigmentation can be hormonal ,pregnancy or menopause you want to treat your pigmentation go to a trained doctor so that you can be given proper topical skin lightening which usually contain hydroquinone which is dangerous if its abused or incorrectly used.

How to stop pigmentation
-Avoid too much sun exposure and wear sun hats

-Use sun screens and blocks

Hope this helps you to a much clearer and smooth skin.

Faja Girdle: The Thing That Makes Celebrities Appear Thin

Most women swear by them. The faja girdles that many women use after lipo-suction is still considered the ultimate body sculpting tool when rushing on a night out and your jeans are making your hips and bottom look somewhat wider than usual.

Faja Girdles

Created in Colombia – the cosmetic surgery capital of the world - 50 years ago, faja girdle (wrap) is a corset style item that moves the organs slightly to give off the hourglass effect that ladies around the world – excluding supermodels – desperately seek. There are concerns that the garment alone is too restrictive for everyday use, but on an interim basis the faja can make a huge difference.
The distributor for faja says his export escalated by 47% in 2011 and is already on its way to meeting more than that target this coming year. Celebrities are queuing to buy the faja. Some prefer the Spanx because they feel it is more comfortable and was created for everyday use. The faja girdle was originally made for women in the sixties but were hugely criticised because women felt they were completely anti-feminism and a symbol of repression. The girdle was then adopted quite aggressively by the medical community with doctors and surgeons started using them for lipo-suction patients, as a means to after surgery assistance and to keep the skin tight so the body may heal.
Recently the Latin American women in New York expressed that they have been using the faja girdle for many years as the perfect body sculpting garment. Importers and suppliers have confirmed that as much as they rejected the faja in the seventies it has become an extremely popular item of clothing amongst the younger girls nowadays. Many now order online when they cannot find the girdles in-store.
Regardless of size and year of initial design and production, the faja girdle’s popularity has just skyrocketed. Men and women from every walk of life are stocking up on them. Men have not been left out of the equation and can also stock up on their own belly bands and tight jumpsuits to wear under their suits and party clothes.
Available in a variety of colours and fabrics, the faja girdle gives men and women a serious self-esteem boost when they slip on the lycra, nylon, latex and nylon girdles. Where some may find these garments pretty restrictive the market suppliers have come to understand that there is a need for a slightly softer version. The faja girdle is certainly making an impact now, even if it did take 50 years.

Baby Showers!

The American custom of throwing a baby shower has crossed the Atlantic, and is becoming increasing popular with mothers to be in the UK. A baby shower is the perfect occasion to spend some time with the mother before the baby is born and an opportunity for friends and family to give their gifts for the baby and mother. Although the custom of baby showers is becoming more widespread, there are a few key points to bear in mind when invited to attend or organise one.

Organisation and Timing

It is not customary for the mother herself to organise a baby shower. Usually it is a sister, close friends or work colleagues who take on the hard work of organising a venue, food, games and invitations. The whole process should be kept stress free for the mother, but the decision about whether or not to keep the shower a secret is a controversial one. A baby shower is usually held in the last three months of the pregnancy, but not too close to the due date as the tiredness experienced in late pregnancy can make a party more of an ordeal than a pleasure.

Location and Catering

Normally, a friend or family member will volunteer to have the baby shower at their home, but if this is not the case, another good option is to hire out a church hall, community centre or function room. Catering can be provided by an outside firm, or everyone can club together to organise some sausage rolls, sandwiches and crisps. Most baby showers also feature some sort of cake or cupcakes, decorated with a baby related theme.


One of the main reasons for holding a baby shower is to give gifts for the mother and the baby. Some mothers go as far as putting together a list for their baby, much as you would for a wedding gift list. Whoever is organising the shower should have a fair idea of what gifts would be appropriate, but if not it is a good idea to buy something for both the mother and the baby, perhaps some bedding or clothing for the baby and some nice John Masters organic toiletries for the mother. Many groups of friends get together to buy one larger gift, or club together to buy a pamper hamper which can be packed with baby wipes, lotion, nappies, massage cream and John Masters goodies or perfume for the mum.

Games and Decoration

The sky is the limit when it comes to baby shower entertainment and games. Games should be kept lighthearted and simple, such as word searches based around baby related words, competitions to guess the weight of the baby when it is born, asking everyone to write words of advice for the new parents, or even a sweepstake to guess the name of the new arrival. If the mother knows what sex her baby will be, it is easy to decorate the location in shades of pink or blue, but if the gender is a secret, opt for pastel shades of green and yellow to keep things neutral.


Plaisirs Boutique offer a large range of John Masters Organics products which make great baby shower presents as they're kind to the skin and great for new mums.