Losing weight on vacation is TOUGH. Take it from anyone. Only people with freaky metabolisms wouldn't be able to relate to this sort of problem. But the fact remains that weight loss holiday is within everyone's reach. Don't believe me? Here are a few simple tips to tide you over.
Get enough sleep!
Not sleeping enough triggers overeating,. You probably need to rest anyway, so make sure you spend your holidays recharging that way, instead of spending them bloating up your midsection.
And by enough sleep, we also mean- don't oversleep. Oversleeping throws off your body clock and metabolism-leading to weight gain.
Keep Active!
If you're not in bed the whole day, what the heck else are you supposed to do, right? Since it is your vacation, cut yourself some slack – you don't really need to keep as active as you do on regular days. But hey, do something! Volunteer work, trekking, horseback-riding, swimming, competitive Yahtzee – doesn't really matter. Keep yourself from being cooped up and bored (boredom leads to unnecessary grazing) and you're sure to keep yourself fitter than the average vacation-goer.
Don't equate food with pampering yourself.
Go to a spa, get a massage, sample a different beer a week, keep a diary- whatever. We've got to remove food as the most important reason to enjoy the holidays. And this means you have to fight an uphill, but totally winnable battle against temptation.
It's easier than you think! Take the time to mentally link vacation time with trips and activities NOT related to food. Mental conditioning is an important but often overlooked part of EVERY top athlete and performer's arsenal- and it could... no...it WILL work for you.
Just think how jealous your workmates will be when you come back from your weight loss vacation looking all awesome like that. Yeah. Think about it.
Avoid eating out.
Holidays are often a time for huge promos for restaurants and fast food chains. Don't get suckered in. This doesn't mean don't eat out. Visit a museum, or an art gallery try to do anything else before you eat out. Why? Because you have a much more limited control over food served to you outside, over food you prepare yourself.
Plan ahead.
Five to fifteen minutes spent creating a list of things to do for your holiday will save you a lot of trauma down the road. Setting goals is the first step to achieving them after all. So sit your butt down and start planning, Make your goals realistic, and always push yourself a little further after you meet your objectives.
Don't put your eating schedule on holiday too.
Eating on a regular schedule helps you control your dietary intake much better than...well...than having no plan at all. Always eat at the optimal times you've set for yourself and don't deviate if you can help it.
Health and Fitness Editorial by FitFarms Weight Loss Holiday Programme.