Great Skin in Winter??

Winter is well on its way again. While autumn’s crispy leaves are a great sight, it is also the time to start preparing for the days when the world outside will be white. The most important thing that we ladies think of is the condition that our skin will be in during the long, cruelly cold months; not only the ladies- the men are also thinking of their skins now, I am sure. While there are many kinds f creams on the supermarket shelves that can easily change your skin from looking miserable to great, at Healthy Hideout, we try to make beauty glow from within. Keep in mind that the true, and more importantly, lasting beauty is not something that you put on top of your skin, but something that becomes a part of you.
Skin and Sun 
The skin cannot get enough exposure to the sun in winter, and so cannot get enough of vitamin D, which helps our skin to be at its best. Adjusting the diet well before winter, or if you have not started, changing the diet now will be a natural and effective way to fight dull, shriveled looking skin. The items in the diet should be able to aid in skin repair, have plenty of vitamins, and ingredients that will make the skin soft and supple. Let us start with green tea. If it already is a part of what you have every day, then be assured on one point at least. It has flavenoids, which are very good anti oxidants, and protect the skin from sunburns and ultra violet ray radiation, and also help maintain the skin’s structure. If you do not take green tea as yet, start now! It benefits the human body in endless ways. Another kind of the super foods is blueberries. A handful of them at breakfast will help your speed up your skin repair, due to plenty of vitamin C in the fruit, an abundance of anthocyanidins, which help the skin to feel plump and fresh, and the highest known levels of anti oxidants. Do get them while shopping!
Another great fruit is tomato. Yes, it is a fruit, not a vegetable. All red fruits and vegetables contain a powerful anti oxidant called lycopene, regular intake of which will make your skin clear and soft; and lycopene works better when cooked, so if were thinking of putting the juicy red fruits under the grill, then go ahead. Another great substance for the skin is zinc. This metal is essential for fighting infection and makes the healing of the skin faster. Pumpkin seeds have a lot of zinc, along with essential fats, which reduce acne and help the skin stay soft and supple.
Talking about fat, let us come to fish. Having oily fish like mackerel, herring, salmon, tuna and sardines twice or thrice a week can help the skin get rid of its dry and shriveled look. Oily fish have omega three, which has a compound in it that makes the skin stay conditioned and supple. So there is no point in staying indoors or hiding that beautiful skin. Enjoy nature’s gift and look great!

Toning Isn't Just For the Gym Anymore

An important step in the care of our skin that we routinely leave out is the use of facial toners. At the very least we do some basic form of cleansing and moisturizing andwhen we decide to splurge, we sometimes add a scrub or exfoliator. But what can we add by using facial toners?
Deep Cleansing
Toners take cleansing process one step further. They are absorbed by the skin, purifying and reconditioning it, leaving skin feeling clean without any side effects such as tightness, drying or stinging. It’s common to mistake some of those side effects as a sign that your cleanser is doing your job, but your skin is supposed to feel good so bring an end to the abuse! Designed to penetrate pores deeply, toners clean out all the dirt, oil and grime to help your skin breathe a little better. Toner works great to give you that extra boost when it comes to cleaning and you can depend on it to take care of oil, make-up, sunscreen, sweat and other microscopic bacteria and pollution that end up on your face by the end of the day. Basically, toners clean away anything you don’t want on your pillow at night and that makes for a better night’s sleep for everyone.
Smoother Skin
Let toners take care of the nitty-gritty work while you enjoy the results. They remove dead skin cells lingering on the surface, even out rough patches and reduce the appearance of pores. Smaller pores not only look better, but give your skin a fighting chance against the everyday elements. The reduced size of pores prevents all the dirt and bacteria from entering. Toner can even help restore your skins natural pH balance to normal after using a facial cleanser, keeping skin ultra-moisturized.  Now you’re on your way to achieving desirable smooth, soft skin that you’ve always had – it just needed a little TLC.
Reduces Blemishes
Need another reason to celebrate? Yes, toners also target acne. Certain toners are specifically designed for those that have problems with acne and oily skin. It will wipe away the oil that causes acne and will do its part in reducing the size of existing blemishes as well as keep new ones from forming, leaving you with a nice, even skin tone. Look for an acne toner with glycolic acid for exfoliation and salicylic acid to rid skin of blemishes.
DorMauri offers a Super Firming Botanical Facial Toner. It’s formula of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients guarantee protection for healthy skin as well as tones and firms, shrinking pores so your skin feels and looks younger. Like most DorMauri products, its mineral clay exfoliates and detoxifies. Other properties include rose pedal infusion, cucumber extract and green tea moisturize and sooth dry, irritated skin and assist in the restoration of elasticity that skin loses over the years. Doesn’t just hearing all this make your skin feel cleaner already?
A few guidelines to keep in mind in searching for a great toner is to purchase one that is alcohol-free (skip over astringents which contain alcohol causing the drying effects you’re trying to avoid!), oil free, hypoallergenic, and one that’s non-comedogenic. Toners are the best way to clean and refresh skin without drying it out and compromising the skin’s natural moisturizers. Apply toner after using a facial cleanser with a cotton ball or pad and don’t forget to moisturize, too!

I Never Forget the Wine, I Have it Delivered

I am not a snob, nor would I consider myself posh, but I do like to entertain. My dinner parties are always well attended and one of the main reasons for their success is the wine. I have never been one to only serve a set wine for a given meal. I know I am supposed too, but I would rather my guests have a choice, that way I can be confident that everyone finds one they like. I have received many compliments on my ability to provide a good selection of wines, although I do have a guilty little secret. My friends think I must spend hundreds of pounds and countless hours scouring supermarkets and wine shops, looking for the best quality wines for us all to enjoy. I don’t, I mean I do buy the best quality wines, but always from the comfort of my own home.


I did originally scour the shops, but when I found myself spending most of my free time actually involved in this endeavour, not to mention a great deal of money, I decided that there had to be another way. I took my search to the internet. You would be surprised how many companies there are out there, that will deliver bottles of wine. Most of them, my favourite included, usually have a six bottle minimum. But the beauty of mine is that I can mix the case to suit myself, allowing me the confidence that all of my guests will be satisfied. They hold a multitude of different wines, from every country which produces it. If you have a certain bottle in mind, they will stock it. If you happen to be experimenting and are unsure as to the particular type you want, they even stock a taster and starter case.


I am one of those people who like to live the high life, but still have to be cautious with my money. Not only do I want the best wines, for my functions, but I also want the best price. The types of wine I serve would be very expensive in a supermarket, even more so in a wine shop, but my secret supplier not only gives me a low cost delivery service, at less than £6.00 a case, I know I was surprised, they also provide me with a very reasonable price for the wine itself. My parties will continue and up to now no one else has discovered my secret, I aim to keep it to that way.

Why not try a starter or taster case? It’s the most reasonable way of enjoying wine I’ve found and believe me, I’ve looked!