The Acne Countdown: 9 Facts to Know

If you struggle with acne, you are not alone.  Acne is a very common skin condition that affects 50 million Americans. If you are assuming that most of the 50 million are teenagers, you are mistaken. Acne is not limited to only teens, in fact, a whopping 50% of women have adult acne and 25% of adult men struggle with it as well. Although acne is more prevalent among adolescents, it affects all walks of life—regardless of age, sex, ethnicity and social class. The acne treatment industry’s annual revenue of over 1.4 billion dollars is proof that acne is indeed an epidemic. Perhaps you are one of many acne sufferers who believe that breakouts are a result of something you ate or did. Acne has nothing to do with anything you did! It mostly stems from one or more of the following: hormones, heredity and stress. Granted, an unhealthful diet and poor skin care habits can exacerbate the problem, but they are certainly not the direct cause of it.
Interested in learning more about acne?  Visit Mario Badescu Skin Care for more articles, tips, and complete acne treatment regimens.


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