7 Things You Can Do Everyday to Stay Slim

Some people are blessed with the metabolism of a hummingbird. If you're like me, you happen to not be one of them. They can eat an entire pizza and bag of cookies in one sitting and still confidently throw on a bikini, and you seem to gain 10 pounds just thinking about it...which is why you don't think about it. You don't eat pizza or cookies, your fridge is stocked to the brim with greens and low-fat yogurt. You are, by all definitions, a slim and healthy person. But to get your body in top form, you have had to work your butt off -literally- for it. You still keep your fat jeans hidden in the back of your closet because someday you might need them again. Well throw those jeans away because these daily tips will ensure that you keep that body that you worked so hard for.

Re-think Your Nutrition
1. You need to be in a constant state of hydration. Constant means you should always have a water bottle in your hand. Water keeps the bloat away and aids in digestion. Keeping hydrated will keep you from eating out of boredom or because you mistakenly thought you were hungry when you were really just thirsty.
2. Cut out salt. Salt makes you retain all that water you just drank so instead of flushing through and cleansing your system ,it is sticking around and making you bloat.
3. Ditch the carbonated drinks and do not use straws. Carbonated drinks and straws do the same thing. They trap air bubbles in your stomach causing you to bloat. Looking and feeling bloated is completely counterproductive if you are spending all your free time doing crunches.
4. Pack your fridge with proteins and fiber. Apples, salmon, chicken, eggs and almonds are all great sources of protein and fiber and are well known at satiating your appetite.

Calm Your Mind

5. Stress can cause you to pack on the pounds so make it a daily practice to meditate. Ten minutes is all you need to slow your breathing and lower your stress levels.
Listen to music that you love or take time out of your day to work on a fun hobby or project. When you are happy, you release endorphins and endorphins KEEP you happy, thus leading to a more stable frame of mind and calmer nerves.
Envision your life exactly how you want it to be. Studies have shown that the mind has a very powerful influence on the events in our life. Have a stressful day at work? Imagine yourself home with a glass of wine and a favorite book.

Change Your Habits

6. Staying thin does not have to be a chore or something to endure. If you crave a slice of pumpkin pie, have a slice! It doesn't do your body or your mind any good to deny yourself things that make you happy. Just remember to moderate. You don't have to eat the whole pie in one sitting.
7. Eat more often. Slim people don't diet. Healthy people don't even diet so why should you? Strive for five small meals a day and have healthy snacks between meal times. This way of eating keeps your metabolism working efficiently and constantly. Never skip breakfast either. Breakfast is in fact the most important meal of your day because it gives your metabolism a jump start in the morning when it's been resting all night.

Staying slim once you've worked so hard to get there can seem like an arduous task, but with these tips it doesn't have to be.

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